Borderline Offensive Festival

15–17 June 2020
16–18 November 2020
24–26 May 2021 in Göteborg, Sweden
Three days of dialogue, exchange and co-creation about humor, art, migration and intercultural dialogue – in an (un?)safe space.
All activities are available digitally and for free. Links to the different activities will be sent to registered participants.
17:30-18:00: Vernissage of the Digital Gallery for #CreativeEuropeAtHome original works

With Museum of Corruption, Khaled Jarrar, Nadir Sönmez, Darinka Pop-Mitic, Škart and guests

24 May 2021, online @ Zoom
18:00-19:00: Jokes and reflections about how humour helps us deal with hard, uncertain times.

With Karsten Blomvik, Selam Mengistu for No Direction Home, Heidi Hakkarainen & guests.

24 May 2021, online @ Zoom
9:00-15:00: Presentation of case studies & discussion with researchers, artists, and experts

15:30-16.30 Open debates with the Borderline Offensive Community

25 May 2021, online and from Göteborgs Litteraturhus
17:00-17.45: Keynote by Andrea Spehar from Gothenburg University, about "Experiences of Refugee Integration: Sweden and the European scene".

25 May 2021, online @ Facebook Live and from Göteborgs Litteraturhus
21:00-late: Late night special with online premiere of "New Releases" by Nadir Sönmez & "I Hate Theatre, I Love Pornography" by Zoukak Theatre Group.

25 May 2021, online @ it's a secret
10:00-15:00: safe space and idea pitching sessions, concluded with the Borderline Offensive community assembly.

26 May 2021, online @ Zoom
Borderline Offensive Festival is a transnational community gathering for creators, academics, cultural producers and citizens wanting to explore how art and humour can contribute to better lives in society in Europe and beyond.
We are asking ourselves:
Museum of Real History at Röda Sten Konsthall, 2019
— How do humor and art promote dialogue and reflection about migration, fear, pain, identity and social crisis?

— How do arts & culture influence integration positively, and how does integration work diversify audiences and artistic discourse?

— How do populism, xenophobia, and global cultural conflict impact arts and culture, freedom of expression and mobility of creators?

Long Heavy Road fanzine, Belgrade, 2019
Meet and exchange ideas with guests from 12 other countries, including EXOTIC colleagues from Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine and Syria – no delays on getting a visa because of international travel restrictions! :D

Sounds fun?

Activities you want to register for:
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