Laughing in the Face of Fear

A guerilla publication
Intro: Art as the micro level to critically question the macro level of EU integration policy and practice.
Redrawing the borders of "We" – Humour & Artistic workshops as a means of the formation of intercultural relations.
Borderline Offensive: how to overcome polarising propagandas.
Affective alliances and the arts. The case of the Škart collective.
Socially engaged art related to migration
and integration in Bulgaria.
Perils of artistic creation and collaboration within socially-engaged artistic projects: case study of Borderline Offensive artistic residency in Košice.
Borderline Offensive Revisited
Editing by Lola Joksimović and Tiago Prata
Proofreading by Mark Brogan
Photos from BO archive
Logo BO by LAB 436
Design by škart
Belgrade 2021
Follow the Offensive: